I no longer have time or interest to properly maintain RatioGhost. I am looking to sell the website/code/business. Please contact me if you're interested in buying it. RatioGhost is currently the most popular BitTorrent ratio cheating software, and has been for many years. It has significant untapped monetization potential.

Ratio Ghost uTorrent Setup Guide

uTorrent is a popular torrent client. If you're having trouble maintaining your ratio on private trackers, uTorrent with Ratio Ghost is an excellent option for ratio cheating.

  1. Install Ratio Ghost. It'll run in the background automatically.
  2. Start uTorrent.
  3. Stop all active torrents you have going in uTorrent.
  4. On the top menu, select Options and then Preferences.
  5. Click on Connection near the left side of the dialog.
  6. Under the Proxy Server section, you must pick the following options:
    • Set Type to: HTTP.
    • Set Proxy to:
    • Set Port to: 3773
    • Leave the other options in this section unchecked.

uTorrent Ratio Ghost

If you have any trouble, let me know.

That's it! Happy torrenting!